Wednesday, 1 April 2009

The Value of GWH

Hey all. Can't really sleep after all the excitement and chong pang nonsense so I'll just post a little on my thoughts.

SYF hasn't been a very eventful journey, but if you think deep it is. Here's how it goes for me: initially, I was a medal-obssessed beast. I don't deny it. I was HUNGRY for Gold with Honours! Then came new thoughts about lots of things; like our musicality fading and other stuff. I started thinking, were we just looking at the medal that we wanted (sorry, certificate) and not really focusing on what really mattered? Thankfully, Fei Yang's talk seemed to have a positive effect on everyone and we all (while still HUNGRY for gold with honours) started to strive to get our musicality into the pieces.

Alright, enough repeated stuff that you all have heard for a million times. After today, after going crazy and screaming our voices till there's no voice left and band-cheering about 7 times or more, I realised one thing: that Gold with Honours might be redemption, but it is a very little bit of it. It's hardly worth mentioning if you have redemption in mind. Gold with Honours is recognition for putting on a good performance, of course. But best of all, I really love the happiness coursing through everyone when we attained it. It was bloody addictive! Damn! I really wish I could go back in time and listen to the results get announced and jump up screaming again.
And even better is how some people whose hearts were never really in the band seemed to change after the screamfest. That's really fantastic. Join the train ride man.

This is a day I'll never forget!

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