Tuesday, 31 March 2009

The First of April, Twenty Zero-Nine

"....Cat high band has so much potential!......."

alright....... We have reeallyyyyyyy heard that alot of times.......
Tomorrow, the first of april.........
Yupp SYF........ Band number 53........
We show everyone just how much potential we have alright? X)

Sec 4's...... you know how much this means to us........
What I call " One Last Shot. ".........
I ask you not to be complacent, but to believe.

Personally, I dont want All our senior's efforts in supporting to go to waste. I'm sure many of you will feel the same way.
We have so many supporting us.
Remember our conductors?
Ms Tan? Mr Tan? Mr Glosz?...... I've been around for 4 years in band, and these are the conductors that have come and gone... always bringing our standard up...
They have been always putting their hearts and efforts into the entire process of me growing as a band member.
I know my batch mates have been through this journey too!
It all comes to tomorrow, the First of April......

Remember our teachers?
Mr Heng, Mr Tey, Ms Wong, Ms Khoo....... X)
Band Practice....... Band Camp...... dinners?
They have always been there to support us.... To really bring the best out in us...... To keep things as they should be.
They'll be there for our SYF alright!

Remember our seniors and alumni? X)
Yes..... all those wonderful moments with them, the laughter, the joy, the tears......
How they would teach and correct us, in the hope that we would succeed them.....
They would be the ones who would be next to us, to play that note, to tell us to soften down where necessary.
They will support us in their hearts even if they cant be there for our Syf.

We look so far, but do we look next to us?
The friends, we have journeyed with.....
well, for me, it has been 4 years......
I have no regrets in joining Band. X)
Our friends, the camaraderie........ They have always been there with you for the ups and downs.
The happy smiles that will touch your heart when you look back.....
We will finish this, together, a Band of Brothers, bonded with a common goal.
Its a combined effort, and the only way.... is to encourage each other on, never giving up.
We can draw this strength in the close bonds of our brothers.

Its just a short while away.

One performance. The performance.
where we share our music, Catholic High School Symphony Band's music, with everyone there!

yea.... think about it...................

Remember........... the result may be important, but it is Never Everything.

In each of your hearts, spirits within, know that we have come a long way. Let us really focus for that 15 minutes. Play our hearts and souls out, not by blasting, but by feeling.
This understanding we have for each other in our band, described as " mo qi ".....
Show that we have what it takes to make the music that is truely trencendental.

Every note........
Play it with emotions, supported by your mastery of your instrument.
Every phrase..........
Bring out the true character of it.......
Technicality, Musicality.
The 2 pieces........ Enjoy it with all your emotions. X)

Alright...... Think about what I've said okay? X)
haha..... I dont want to continue tiring your eyes out haha......
I'll end it...... by leaving you with......

Mr L Tan: All the best, CHSSB! I have faith in all of you!'

Everyone will be proud of you guys tomorrow, alright! X)

Rest well ChsSB........!
Bring Full Attire ( Black leather Shoe, Black Socks and Black Tie! ) and $16 too!

We put our trust in God.............
Good Night...... X)

Louis, X)

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