Saturday, 26 January 2008

Life as A Catholic High Gentleman ; One of a CHSSB member.

Hi people. It has been so long since i posted something on this blog. So today i am going to post something. (=.=)

I am going to talk about my life in CHS. Well, i believe that many of you lead similar lifestyles. I mean, this IS Singapore, what kind of a unique life do you expect? Being a what, power ranger? Spiderman? Superman?


We as students lead quite "automatic" and "monotonous" lives. We study, eat, sleep, eat, study more, and freak out when the teacher says there is going to be a test tomorrow. Not only that, our only highlight in our life is "Oh, Mid-Year Exams is starting next week. Die..." But, that is what makes us score so high in "O" levels: studying and the teacher's drilling

I am not here to complain, just here to speak the truth. Admit it, who doesn't feel the same way I do? HOWEVER, there are a few things in my life, and I am sure in yours too, that makes me want to come to school. For one thing, my friends and my juniors and my seniors and some of the teachers. Another thing, band. Lastly, my friends and my juniors and my seniors and some of the teachers.

Yes, those are what make me have a sense of belonging to Catholic High. And I am sure it applies to all of you too. You know what is so special of a boy school band? It's the brotherhood, . Not all about the discipline, or the music, but the brotherhood. It is not just only in Band, but the whole school. Like what En Hao (o.O) said, we know what each other is thinking, therefore we are brothers, because only brothers know what is in the mind of each other. And brothers support each other, we stand together. Like what En Hao said again (o.O), when one man falls, all of the others will stop, pull him up, then continue. This is brotherhood. And once again, like what En Hao said (o.O), if you have watched the korean movie "Brothers", you will have a clearer view of what I (technically En Hao (o.O)) is trying to say.

Now we have one man down. So, we have to pull him up. Its that simple. And when we do, we will have to move together once again, as a Band bonded together with strong brotherhood, don't we?

Hang Siang =) (And yes there is the "g" there; and its "S" not "X")

PS: Its ok if you don't understand, there are some parts in which i don't understand too..I am just saying what i feel.

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