Wednesday, 24 September 2008

*Urgent* Immediate instrument recall

Hi guys, Zhenxi here.
The QM is recalling all borrowed instruments* for purposes that will be made known in the near future *coughauditorcough*.
All borrowed instruments must be brought back by this Friday,24th of September, with drastic consequences being reserved for those that fail to do so. I am not clear on when the instruments can be re-borrowed, but please help to spread the message to those who sneaked off with their instruments without signing the borrowing list (Despite my pleas -.-) and are barred from any contact with electronic devices due to the current period of hardship.Alternatively,you could do us a great favour by smsing every single band/non-band person on your contact list to increase the chances of the message reaching everyone in band. That said,I am giving a call to those who signed in the borrowing list.

We apologise for the short notice and the inconvenience caused, but please understand that this is completely necessary.

On a really very much lighter note, good luck with the EOYs.


*"borrowed instruments" applies to only those borrowed from the band, please do not create confusion by chipping in your own personal guitars and whatnot.

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