Sunday, 13 July 2008


Ok, apparently, my previous post was deleted because too ...umm...whats the term....Unfriendly.
So i've decided to first of all apologize to everyone for my unfriendliness and then try my hand at a repost.But you guys have got to understand my frustration on this matter, this policy(if i may) , i've been trying to enforce it for quite some time. So in this here repost, i guess i'll have to give u not only the rules, but the logic behind them, maybe that'll work

New post starts here

1) No bags in Band store
Logic: It is really very unsightly that bags are strewn all over the floor in the band store sometimes, under tables, on chairs etc etc. So, me and Mikey have already cleared up a quater of our image cupboard to be used as a storage space for bags. This rule though applies to Excos and section-leaders only, because they have added responsibilities and thus, may need easy access to their bags.

2) No Shoes on Band Store Floor
Logic:Once again, same thing, easy access, added responsibilities etc etc. Also, it was a huge mess of shoes in band store we took over, after lots of 'reminders' i've successfully dwindled the number to about 5 pairs on a good day, though a marked improvement, i'd like to strive for the perfect score.I'm okay with the shoes being on the shelves, just make sure its nice and orderly, not a strewn mess.

3) After having sectionals or personal practice in the Band Store, keep the stands and arrange the chairs to an orderly position.
Logic: This rule is meant for aesthethique purposes.

4) Instrument Cases in our as near to shelves as possible, this goes out to Tian Howe and his Bari Sax case.
Logic: enough said

I am willing to perform bag checks, any "unauthorized" bags will sadly be evicted.
Shoes Too
Section Leaders remember to clear up
Once again, I'm sorry.

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