Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Apologies and Misconceptions.
Still, I would personally like to correct some of the gross errors made by ‘Toreador’ who has a post right below this. Some of these misconceptions can be fatal. Please do note that it is perfectly fine if you, the reader, does not agree with my views, but the views below are also partly factual and partly generally accepted opinion.
Contrary to that belief, many conductors DO make a hell lot of noises on the podium, even during performances. Perhaps the conductors whom you readers have experienced do not make sounds, and you definitely do not hear it on most professional videos. For example, SCO conductor Tsung Yeh makes a little grunt in his throat every time he conducts a strong beat (which is really rather often actually) and is usually audible to the performers and the unfortunate row of people that sits right up front. My orchestral conductor makes a soft hissing sound throughout the entire performance, often blending into the tone of the string players and actually helping to give them more drive in their performance.
There have been countless cases where conductors who are so used to making noises on the podium end up wasting much precious time in the recording studio. (Mind you, renting a recording studio for an orchestra/band and hiring all the audio crew is really EXPENSIVE.) The conductors often do not realise it and are often embarrassed when audio engineers claim that there is some sort of foreign noise affecting the recording. Foot-tapping, batons hitting the music stand, and even jumping conductors help to contribute to the available force of the percussion section.
2. The disclaimer that ‘Toreador’ talks about ‘conducting an orchestra/ensemble of COMPETANT musicians who do not need to practice articulation/intonation/tone/rhythm or other mundane aspects.’
Competent musicians are not competent without a tedious daily practice routine. Orchestra rehearsals take up a few hours of a day’s time at most. Such little ‘mundane’ aspects are what makes up the professional player’s ‘appetisers’, if one is to compare the daily life of a musician to a good meal. Usually, performers spend up to six hours a day practising (albeit with tact), and a quarter to half of this time is spent on ‘mundane’ aspects, and in the process of trying to improve themselves, the performer never stops practising these basics even for a single day. As aspiring musicians yourselves, you should also take these as great examples and practice as much as your schedule permits.
3. The difference between an Instructor and Conductor
A Conductor has many titles; they may be, ‘Music Director’, ‘Resident Conductor’, and even ‘Instructor’. Of these titles, we often look down upon the one of ‘Instructor’, because he is usually one that goes around teaching school bands rather than honing his skills on a professional orchestra. But when one ponders about it, is it not obvious that the job of a good Instructor is a lot more difficult than a Conductor, and deserves a lot more respect? A conductor of lets say, the SSO, faces a competent orchestra that will play well regardless of whether the conductor conducts well. (Of course, a good conductor will be able to help the orchestra play better than their individual standards.) However, an instructor has to educate the students in theoretical, practical and musical aspects, has to sensitise the students to his conducting gestures, AND still be able to help the students perform as best as they can!
Some spelling errors found are:
‘Conducters’ – Conductors
‘Maent’ – Meant
‘Competant’ – Competent
For further posts by me on conducting and performance, follow the links below:
Still, I DO agree that conductors are supposed to make the players’ eyes shine—albeit inspire them to play better than they think they can! That is a wonderful point there, ‘Toreador’, and I wish all of you a Happy Lunar Niu Year!
P.S. Hope the Istana performance went well :D
Monday, 26 January 2009
Shining Eyes
this may seem an obvious point, but it is something most people overlook. conducters make no sounds, play no instruments, nor add to the overall sonority. then i realised something:
what does that mean? conducters are maent to, through waving and various motions, bring a sparkle to the players. the players must feel the emotional turmoil that the conducter goes through in directing a piece of music. if the players only make sound (even great sounds) and not be "online" with the conducter, then the conducter has failed. if the conducter is unable to inspire his musicians to bring out all the slight and delicate little movements of the music, then he has also failed.
I will leave you to your thoughts.
(Disclaimer: I am talking about conducting an orchestra/ensemble of COMPETANT musicians who do not need to practice articulation/intonation/tone/rhythm or other mundane aspects. what we have in the band is an Instructor, not strictly a Conducter. instructors preprogram the players, conducters are a bit (**much**) more sophisticated, spontaneous, and flexible.)
That's enough.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
My main point of this post is about the sec2s.(Okay i'm a sec2,but you don't know who am i :D)
Hey guys,I don't know if you are still in your dreams or whatever,but I hope you have realised that we are sorely lagging behind,in fact,we shouldn't be languishing in this state at this point of time(i'm not good in english so yeah don't blame me)
I hope all of us,or at least some,have come to realise what standard are we at now.I can only use 1 word to describe it,lousy.Seriously,don't you guys think we need some much-needed improvement?
How to improve,you would ask.Our new conductor, as all of you should know, was very disappointed and angry with our performance last friday.
He has already pointed out that basics is the thing that we should be doing right now.I know its boring,but music itself is made up of basics isn't it?
Many of us would think that basics are boring, and therefore detest to do it.However,if we want to improve,what we can do now is to heed his advice,and do basics frequently.
Coming for self practice is one of the effective ways to improve isn't it?Doing the basic stuff for like,30mins?Just drop by the band room,assemble your instrument,play the chromatic scales,long notes,scales,etc.30mins to 1 hour shouldn't be taking too much time off our studies right?
It may not seem appropriate for me to say all these,but we seriously need to improve,we ARE seniors already,we are already sec2,no longer sec1.
It won't take long before we reach sec3,sec4,and become the people that would lead the band.
You would probably say 'its still far away',but think again,1 year just flashed past us,how long would it take for another year to pass by again?We have streaming this year,sec3 is gonna be even busier,sec4...you know yourself.Why not take this chance,while we are still sec2,while we still have the time,to lay our foundation well,to seriously bring our level of playing to a new level?
Time is against us,we are constantly racing against time,why not we use this year to improve ourselves and not let our seniors down?Our seniors are not always there for us,we should depend on ourselves.Sight reading,scales,BASICS,we can do it ourselves isn't it?
Let's work hard together,starting from this new lunar new year.Let's not let ourselves down.Shall we?
Saturday, 24 January 2009
I would like to encourage all the band members to work hard for their studies as well as their music.
Sec 4s, try to work hard for prelim 1, its getting closer! i know that many of us are feeling a little dissatisfied (a little?) and impatient during band hours and wants to pull off someone's moustache real bad. a suggestion would be to release all that energy at someone else (such as?) and take the long band hours as a test of endurance and willpower.
Sec 3s, you have come a long way. the sec 4s have seen you grow so much and many of us will testify to that (except for those for didn't grow). we really need your help to teach the lower sec and cooperate with us. demonstrate that you are capable leaders or principle players. (gonna have to discuss about 'leaders' sometime)
Sec 2s, you have no idea of how far behind you are. some of you have been allowed to play in the syf (allowed not chosen). DO NOT be an idiot and be complacent about it. there's really nothing much to be proud of. some sec 2s are really pushing us around, so stop doing that and realise how pathetically incompetant you are. compare yourself with other sec 2s from other bands or even the CO. stop making life difficult for everybody and just shut up and practise. don't complain about long band hours, make noises during band, or demand for games. you do not have any right to do that.
all of you should put in much effort in practicing your instrument. when you can say that you are proficient in your instrument without anyone slapping your stupid face, then you can start moaning and groaning about band.
one more thing. DO NOT EVER COMPLAIN ABOUT HOMEWORK BEING TOO MUCH. sec 4s, especially triple science + hcl students, have teachers going after our neck for homework (eg: Ms. S gave 35 Bio essays in the holidays) , so go and cry in the corner if any of us smacks you for pretending to mug. certain people keep saying they have to study and have no time to play the flute (oops) and its a struggle not to break his tiny neck (just snapped a pencil in anger).
Important Notice
Please note: if you have any personal particulars that have been changed for the last few months, or would be changed in the near future, PLEASE inform your section leaders, or you can inform me via sms or email.
Section leaders, if your juniors entrust you with such information, please inform me or the Leaders as soon as possible. (Preferably the Leaders)
Please remember to do so, as this is very important since the Band has not checked and updated all of our members' contacts for a very long period of time.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
I was flipping through the pages of the Internet when I came across a few of my friends' blog. Some are black, white, blue, orange, "Emo"; but they are all very interesting. Do you know that blog-hopping is considered to be an official hobby?
Then, I came across this article: "How to write a good Blog". I think everyone should know this, as our lives as CHSSB members aren't all about "O" levels and music-making. They include learning life skills as well. And believe or not, blogging is a life skill--it is an inaugural method of communication.
Due to space constraint, I am just gonna quote a few sentences from the article. As everyone knows, "blog" refers to the term "Web Log", which actually means an online journal. But have you thought about what a blog exactly is in terms of modern times?
Dave Taylor, an expert on business and technical topics and the author of 18 different books and thousands of magazine articles, says that a blog isn't what everyone thinks it is.
"What is your definition of a Blog? A blog isn't what everyone thinks it is. In fact, on this very page, you have a pile of definitions of blogs that I disagree with. Because everyone likes to focus on the *presentation* of information and blogs are really all about the *management* of information. Here's what I mean: if you think that a blog is a web site characterized by frequent articles displayed in chronological order, typically with timestamps, a journal or diary, you're missing the forest for the trees. Web logs, instead, are just the facade that we see of considerably more powerful content management systems that really revolutionize the maintenance of Websites".
Basically, what he means is this: Blogs are simple. They are both crap and rubbish.
Up till now, many of you may protest, thinking that I am putting down all of your blogs.
Before you come to any conclusion, I just want everyone to know that, I am not putting down any person or persons' blog.
I believe that, a blog is a "own self" thing. It is especially unique and special, but only in the eyes of the beholder and owner. Blogging, in other words, is a phenomenon. It is not a bad thing, but its not a very good thing either.
You have heard news about racists or insulting comments on blogs, and even cyber-bullying. Just two days, our conductor said that he read a CHSSB member's blog on comparing him and our guest conductors.
So here's the cons of blogging:
- IT IS NOT PRIVATE. Whatever you say can be viewed by other people
A blog is just like a pet, if you don't take care of it, it will die. If you "input" negative influence into it, it will harm others. So why do we blog?
Most importantly, why are you even browsing this address right now?
The answer to this question is VERY simple: We need blogs. Blogs are no longer a "want" to us anymore. It has become a "need" to us as technology modernise, hasn't it? You don't see Stalin write a Blog on his hatred towards the Democratic countries during the period of the Cold War, and you don't see Winston Churchill typing out a soft copy of the "Iron Curtain speech" on a Blog. But you do see MPs creating blogs and everything.
What I am saying is that, nowadays, people need blogs to sustain the freshness of their everyday lives. They reflect, ponder, complain, show their remorse, communicate, propose, announce, provide information, share, and even to keep memories on their blogs.
So, there is nothing wrong with having blogs. There is nothing wrong with comparing two people that you know on your blog. There is also nothing wrong with revealing your deepest darkest secrets on your blog. There is absolutely nothing wrong, because it is YOURS, and yours alone.
There is no specific instructions in writing a good blog. Like what some experts say,"Just follow your heart, and write whatever you want. Think before pressing the "Publish Post" button: think if what you are trying to say will SERIOUSLY hurt some one's feeling. If it doesn't, then go ahead and post it." This is the solution to all the sub-conscious cyber-bullying in the Internet.
"The key, as in all things in life-is to keep it simple. Simplicity means that readers won't get confused about what your journal entry is actually about."
And then write whatever you want.
Don't fear about what others would say, don't be scared and suppress your thoughts.
And DON'T, after reading my post, delete your blog.
Believe me, if you can write things from the bottom your heart, you can write anything--from how you did in a test to 1001 reasons as to why you support Barack Obama. And you will still make a difference.
A positive one, of course.
Just remember one thing crucial when you are blogging: Just to be safe, don't put your name there. =)
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Updates on Contacts
I am here to inform all the SLs and deparmental heads that the new Band contact list is ready, and if you want it, please give me ur email address via sms and I will send a copy to you as soon as possible.
And by the way, to the all the band members, please notify me if any of your contacts have been changed. (Eg HP number, address, email address etc.) You can also notify anyone of the leaders, or your section leaders.
That's all!
Morning Prac...Starting on Thurs
For Sec 4s who have morning remedials (yes, it is starting), confirm with Mr Tey whether you need to go...
C ya
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Jan 5th, Monday
Louis here... X)
Hope you guys are doing fine...
yea.... 2nd day of school right at cha...
To clear doubts for you ppl......
Main Band
Report = [12PM]
Venue = Band Room
Attire = Black Polo Tee and Green Shorts
Do not be late. X)
enjoy your last few hours of your weekend everyone.
This performance is going to be important.
Get serious........
Your job is to Inspire and Welcome any potential Sec 1 Band Members alright.
This WILL affect the future of the band.
It lies in our hands.
We need to get this done together alright.
Oh yea........
lets show the Secondary Ones what it means to be in the
Symphony Band. X)
Thursday, 1 January 2009
rawr........Happy New Year band! X)
go ahead..... read it.......
Alright everyone..........
New Year.............
Alright dont look at the clock at the corner of your screen lol......
this post isnt going to be as long as my last one last year..... ^^
It's Back to school again ppl.......
For the Sec 4's...... its that year........
O levels.........
Take it seriously Sec 4's........
This may literally change your life depending on how well you do...
Study hard.........
Dont give the excuse that Syf's taking too much time......
Prioritize and balance your time properly.......
Sec 4 isnt as easygoing as the other 3 years of secondary life that you have had......
Get serious alright.
As for the rest of you.....
2009 Sec 2's.... you guys arent Sec 1's anymore...... ( omg duh )
you guys need to brush up on your musical standard alright.......
Imagine if the Sec 1's play better than you or something........
Show that you have worked hard during 2008 alright....
Regardless of how much work you have put in.....
You guys will be/Are already more senior than any sec 1 ppl who enter the band next year....
Dont just carry the title....
Live it....
As for the 2009 Sec 3's.....
Sec 3'..... I was in your shoes last year..... ( omg duh again.... lol!.... )
not literally...zZ
you guys are like in the middle of everything..........
you guys have to follow the sec 4's and lead the sec 1's and 2's........
As Sec 3's........
Set an exemplary model of a band member.....
As the Syf is like in...erm.....( scrolls down ) 87 days lol....
Why dont start by helping your section.............
Get the important stuff done efficiently.......
Dont waste time in sectionals sitting around......
Rhythm, Notes, Articulation, Dynamics, Phrasing.......
Get all these basic stuff right.........
As a band member...
As a section.....
As a band..........
You guys have to help your section leaders in bringing the standard of your section up.........
The standard is Not the best player......
The standard is actually only how far you want to go......
As for 2009 Sec 1's......
zomgawd you're not supposed to be here....... lol....
haha.... X)
see the red X button at the top righthand corner.... haha....
click it lol...
This new year also brings us a new conductor.......
yea.... Mr Glosz.....
He has really helped our band alot.....
Especially the new instruments.......
Band.... many of you are recieving new instruments......
Take EXTREMELY good care of them....
many of them are expensive models........
Be responsible for your instrument......
After all the help we have recieved.....
The least we can do is to show the passion and interest we have for Band alright?...
A new year.......
Maintain a perfect attendance record.......
Come for every practice with a smile on your face......
Take the initative to practice....
you may even progress much faster on your own.....
In fact.... why not initiate sectionals.....
Progressing as a section allows you to grow in sound together too.....
tutorials are even there to help you together....
Set a target.....
Dont falter..............
All the best for 2009, ChsSB and everyone else......
Cheers...... X)
L was online on 1/1/2009 at 1:34pm, On the First Day of the Year. X)